Faith Perspective

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Two major lies we believe concerning God that frustrate our faith and steal our peace and joy in Jesus; one, that He will do what He hasn’t said He will do, and two, that He will not do what He says He will do. One has to do with unrealistic expectations that has nothing to do with God’s will in your life, and the later has to do with doubt. In my personal walk with God, and more often than I’d like to admit, I have suffered both, just as I’m sure you have as well. And sometimes it’s a loop between the two. So how does one break this loop?

Let’s examine some facts about what a relationship with God is like.

  1. God has called you to a higher calling. This means that a certain standard has been set on how you approach life, like forgiving your offenders, loving your enemies, praying for bad leaders, etc. Things that, in psychological terms, go against your id, that one part of the threefold you (i.e. id, ego, super-ego) that is driven by innate physical and emotional needs, absent of any rationality. A constant fulfillment of this needs without rational input is known as immaturity.This standard is set to protect us from our self destructive ways, and God, being Love (Agape), won’t compromise it for you for a little comfort’s sake. Yes, it is uncomfortable to love an enemy constantly hating on you… actually, it’s not if you put your trust in God who gives you strength.

2. A higher calling leads to maturity. Once this higher calling  is fully embraced and understood, God then ceases to be viewed as an entity to “get” things you want in life, or a fictional superhero like superman who can reverse time to prevent bad things from happening. James 1:2-4 states it very clearly the purpose of trials. You will not fall victim of the false teachings and prophets who like to appeal to our…yes, you guessed it, id. Because you will be filled with the Spirit of God, which IS the Word of God, as Ephesians 6:18 states it clearly (emphasis on Ephesians 6:10-18). God did not promise us a life without troubles, He promised us a life of victory despite these troubles. He tells us that we be of good cheer for He has overcome the world and that if problems come that we cannot bear, He provides a way of escape, that no weapon forged against you shall prosper… His promises are many and true, and trustworthy. David says, “I was young and now I’m old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.” [Psalm 37:25] and Apollinarius paraphrased it as;

“I never knew a just man entirely needy.”

You may be forsaken by men, dearest friends and relations, yet not of the LORD. You may think you have been, like Job, but you never are. God by His providence overrules events. Job’s former status was restored and from his life, a lesson we need to learn.

The most coveted asset to a Christian is your mind. The devil desires to dominate it as much and for as long as is possible. Yet the LORD tells us to “be transformed by the renewal of our minds” [Romans 12:2]. Look at your situation from God’s perspective, Inquire of Him. Pray, read the Word and have faith. Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Is this your view and practice? If not, then you need a change of perspective.

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